Financial Stability
Financial Stability
One of the most revealing aspects brought to light by the phenomenon of the pandemic is our inadequate preparation for unforeseen events, particularly within the economic sphere. Savings enable us to cope with emergencies, pave the way forward, and provide stability and security.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), at least 52% of Mexico’s population aged 18 and above practices this habit. The National Survey on Financial Stability (ENSAFI), published on June 25, indicated that in 2023, Mexico had a total of 92.8 million people aged 18 and above. Of these, slightly more than 47.84 million individuals reported possessing formal or informal savings in some form.
Men: 55.2%
Women: 49.3%
The survey also highlights that the states where the population saves the most include Sonora (67.6%), Colima (65.3%), Tabasco (62%), and Puebla (61.3%). Conversely, states such as Chiapas (35.8%), Tamaulipas (38.2%), and Tlaxcala (42.4%) have the lowest percentages.
The National Survey on Financial Stability (ENSAFI) 2023 aims to generate statistical information on the aspects defining the financial stability of Mexico’s population aged 18 and above. It seeks to capture the most common concerns and the stress individuals may experience due to their financial situation, along with its impacts on their lives (INEGI, n.d.).
Furthermore, the survey provides us with an opportunity to view financial stability as a cornerstone for the sustainable development of any economy. Countries with robust financial stability can attract foreign direct investment and promote local entrepreneurship, thereby fostering employment and increasing economic production.
The concerns stemming from individuals’ financial situations play a crucial role in various aspects. Financial stability reduces stress and ensures a better quality of life.