About Us

WMP Legal is a German-Mexican law firm and is part of WMP Mexico Advisors Group. The firm has assisted international, medium-sized companies in legal-business matters for over 10 years. We serve over 150 customers from ten different countries in Mexico.

Our firm actively participates in our customers’ operational businesses and due to our specialization skills in the corporate law field, we are your best option as competent partner. Having us by your side, the only thing you have to focus on is your day-to-day operation knowing that we will make sure all your business operations comply with Mexican Laws. Our attorneys in law will be more than happy to assist you in explaining complex issues in a more comprehensive way in Spanish, English, or German.

Incorporation in Mexico

Did you know that the incorporation process in Mexico requires accuracy?

If incorporation needs to be as quick as possible, inaccuracies are not allowed when dealing with the competent authorities as this is not only going to delay incorporation process, but high costs will also be involved. To avoid these inconveniences when entering the Mexican market, our team will assist you in every step of the process while establishing your business. Our WMP Legal attorneys will help you with all local governmental procedures and public entities, and also with opening the company’s bank accounts. Current status will be reported on a regular basis, and you will always count on a competent and skilled German or multilingual contact person who will help you overcome language barriers while assisting you along the process.

Legal Compliance Service

Do you own a Mexican company already and would like to have it checked for compliance guidelines?

WMP Legal supports you with specialized lawyers to comply with the existing legal requirements in Mexico. We are happy to advise you on all legal provisions and liabilities to be complied with while sparing you from time time-consuming and costly formalities. In addition to this, we take charge of the annual shareholders’ meeting for the approval of annual financial statements as well as the company books’ preparation, audit and completion, and preparation of company or share certificates. We speak our customers language and complex issues are explained in an easy and understandable manner. Our international team is a great asset: we speak Spanish, English, and German.

Mexican Labor Law

Did you know that dismissals in Mexico without proper legal protection can be awfully expensive?

Do you find it difficult to transfer your homeland’s contractual conditions into the Mexican system?

In fact, besides lawsuits avoidance, and compliance with the NOMs, drafting local employment contracts is one of the biggest challenges foreign companies face at operations start-up in Mexico. Our attorneys are well acquainted with the Mexican labor law and will help you draft proper employment contracts, as well as legal terms and conditions. Hence, you will be confident that contractual conditions are correct and that your employees will be bound to your company within the highly competitive Mexican labor market. Trade Unions are also part of the process and therefore negotiations are necessary, but with an expert by your side things will run smoothly. We will be more than happy to help you out with this.

Unfortunately, in a day-to-day operation, conflicts arising amongst employees sometimes are hard to avoid. Our team will gladly advise and mediate on your behalf at first instance and will help you to avoid legal disputes by drawing up an internal set of rules in accordance with the Mexican labor law.

Corporate Law

Are you not well acquainted with your legal obligations as a Mexican company?

Our lawyers will help you out and will provide support regarding any corporate law issues. In addition to full powers of attorney, Annual Meetings (Asambleas Anuales) fall into our scope of expertise. Also, we are experts in tracking changes made to the company books along the current fiscal year. In the same manner, we take care of capital increase, vesting of powers and/or allocation of company shares agreed during company meetings. We are familiar with the requirements of the Mexican Authorities and are able to adapt your contracts to the reforms in force.

Contract Drafting and Termination

How to avoid costly misunderstandings, complex contract dissolutions and unfavorable clauses at contracts termination?

Excessively long contract terms, unfavorable termination rights, lack of legal certainty and incomplete liability statements are just a few of the challenges you may encounter at contract termination. Our recommendation: Have your contracts either reviewed or drafted by our attorneys. Our experts will advise you on the contents of your contracts, thus preventing misunderstandings and ensuring compliance with legal principles. We represent your interests; contracts are drawn up bilingual for you to easily overcome language barriers and be able to make immediate important decisions.

Mexican Visa Service

Do you have difficulty in trying to understand the visa process in Mexico and would like to avoid long waiting times, high expenses or problems when travelling in and out of the country?

Entering Mexico, obtaining a work permit and visiting the consulate are just a few of the hurdles you will face when setting your business up in Mexico. We will not only explain the complex migration law to you, but we will work together to find an individual solution. We will support you throughout the entire visa application or renewal process. As for foreign employees, we will help you out requesting all relevant work permits and compiling the necessary documentation.

Trademark Right Protection in Mexico

WMP Legal will manage trademarks and slogans registration before the Mexican Authorities to make sure your brand is not registered by third parties. Registration is recommended, especially if widely known.

Dissolution of Mexican Companies

Have you decided to wind up your Mexican company? We will be happy to accompany you along the way from preparing relevant company meetings, cancellation of the taxpayer’s number and up to the closing of the bank accounts. We will take care of all the necessary steps for you.

Are you ready to open business in Mexico? Learn more about WMP tax and accounting services.