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Economic Development through Education

Education transcends various boundaries, from the social sphere, through the evolution and transformation of technology, to economic development. This particular issue places the country at the center of significant challenges and future prospects. Innovation and adaptation to the changing demands of the labor market are intrinsically linked to education.

According to a 2022 study by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Spain, Mexico ranks as the second-lowest OECD country in terms of the number of students or graduates in higher education, with only 27.1% of people between the ages of 25 and 34 holding a professional degree, well below the average of member states, which is 48%. Meanwhile, approximately 55% of the economy remains in the informal sector, and the Mexican economy has dropped from 12th to 15th place in just a decade, according to data from the World Bank (Alcocer, 2023).

Promoting new modes of learning to acquire fresh skills in line with current needs translates into more job opportunities alongside imminent economic growth. Workforce transformation requires professionals, and the country’s future depends on its population’s ability to innovate and create. Certifications and specializations are the way to stay at the forefront and on the path of evolution. The increasing demand for positions requiring specific skills is favorable, even for industries.

Mexico has significant economic potential, and some of its most valuable assets lie in the performance of its education system. The education issue in Mexico should focus on reducing the inequality gap, as well as designing an appropriate training plan for these times when the future has clearly caught up with us.