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Growth and Investment

Mexico has experienced notable yet fluctuating growth in recent years, signaling a phase of significant change. Successfully keeping inflation under control and implementing responsible monetary and fiscal policies have bolstered the confidence of both domestic and foreign investors. A case in point is the relationship with the United States, one of Mexico’s key trading partners, which has brought benefits in terms of investment flows.


The level of economic development and attraction for foreign direct investment (FDI) are considerable, albeit with a slight halt in the modernization of the industrial sector, primarily focusing on aerospace and automotive industries. Several local legislative reforms for the industry have been carried out during the current governmental period, particularly related to environmental taxes for waste management and circular economy.


“According to the rating agency Fitch Ratings, Mexico could grow between 2.4% and 4% annually by 2024, thanks to the nearshoring phenomenon. This growth would bring many benefits to the Mexican economy, such as creating formal jobs, strengthening value chains, fostering growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with supplier services, and structural changes in economic policy” (Ratings, n.d.).


Querétaro is recognized as a business-friendly state and a leader in investments. An example of this is that Querétaro has positioned itself at the national level with the most data centers in the country, with $13 billion in investments. Just a few days ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a $5 billion investment for building a data center in the state.