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Industrial diversity in Mexico

The aerospace, construction, automotive, food, technology, fashion, energy, among others, exemplify the industrial strength with which Mexico competes globally. Different reports indicate that the manufacturing industry has been the standard bearer of the national economy, according to Statista Research Department in 2021 alone, the Mexican manufacturing sector attracted foreign direct investment of US$12.56 billion and employed more than nine million workers.


Thanks to the industry, Mexico has a number of competitive advantages from its geographic location to the wide range of international agreements. Technological advances have led to industrial activity being updated and at the forefront.


The work of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (CONCAMIN) in terms of its role as an engine of the economy stands out in the grouping of 125 Chambers and Associations that represent 1,200,000 companies and productive units.


Mexico’s industrial diversity offers investment opportunities, open markets and is a leader in industrial operations worldwide.  Mexico has positioned itself as an important exporter in different sectors; besides being recognized for its natural wealth, the hospitality of its people and architectural beauty, it is one of the main countries with the largest certified labor force, political and economic stability.


The challenge in these times is to adhere to the new sustainable industrial policy, that is to say, the competitiveness of markets must be aligned with the objectives of social development that the same dynamics demand, to strengthen us as a global trade power.