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Let’s take action

The fact that Mexico is classified as a country with investment potential places it in the eye of phenomena such as nearshoring, which makes it necessary to have a strategic plan in view of the availability of resources to meet expectations; in other words, it is not enough just to stand out, but it is also necessary to sustain the how. Water supply has become one of the issues that occupies the industry as a major factor in the processes. A sustainable water system is a priority, in fact, it is urgent to take precise measures.

The United Nations (UN) highlighted in the framework of Water Day, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal of the 2030 Agenda, that the safe and efficient management of the resource for all would be resolved in the year 2030, however, we are very far from achieving it.

Despite the fact that the budget that governments allocate to the maintenance and equipment of water infrastructure is not enough and social, private and public participation is required.

“In Mexico there are sources of financing that could cover the needs perfectly, the issue lies in the ethical commitment of public and private initiatives for the efficient use of water” (Escobar, 2023), says Carlos Puente, director of Water, Energy and Environment of the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras).

The lack of a national water plan to ensure water security for both industry and the population places Mexico in a situation where it is not possible to meet its water needs.