Mexican Flag in Quintana Roo

Mexico, third place among the most visited countries in 2020

Despite the Corona pandemic, 25 million tourists visited the Caribbean beaches located nearby Cancún. Is there a benefit for the Mexican tourism sector?   According to the World Tourism Organization, Mexico rose from seventh to third…

Uncollectible Accounts

Collections in Mexico The collection process in Mexico may be quite difficult due to missing standards and complicated legal processes in this area. There is no framework on standard payment terms or on late payment fees. These must be agreed…

Teleworking during the pandemic: What are your obligations as an employer?

Am I obligated to contemplate my employees under the work modality of “teleworking” because of the sanitary measures established as a result of the SARS-COV2, COVID 19 pandemic? No, due to the pandemic that is affecting Mexico and the…

Mexico and the U.S. election: What does Biden’s victory mean for the economic relationship between Mexico and the U.S.?

The relationship between Mexico and the U.S. is close, complicated and strongly influenced by political power shifts. On January 20, Joe Biden will take office as the 46th President of the United States of America. His presidency could redefine…

Secretary of Finance: Requirement to pay taxes at latest on the 17th

Recently, the Secretary of Finance together with the SAT has started to send out audit requests to companies which do not pay their taxes on the 17th of each month. Even if the tax law allows for additional days depending on the tax ID, we strongly…

Thin Capitalization Regulation in Mexico

What is thin capitalization and why is it important? Companies are usually financed through a mix of equity and debt. If a company’s financial structure includes a relatively high level of debt in comparison to its equity, it is referred…

NOM 035: The second stage has now come into force – What does that mean for your company?

How does avoiding implementation of NOM 035 affect your company? If NOM 035 is not yet implemented in your company, it is quite likely to be fined by the Mexican Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social,…

Transfer pricing in Mexico

What is Transfer pricing? Transfer prices refer to the prices that affiliated companies use to valuate transactions with each other. By setting a transfer price international companies can shift the profit of a company from one country to…

China vs. Mexico: Where does the future of US production facilities lie?

China and Mexico - both countries are important production sites for the US industry. However, for a long time Mexico has hardly been a serious competitor in the race against China. Over the past two years, this tide seems to have turned: More…

Business Liability Planning

Did you know that 80% of the commercial activity in the Mexican United States is carried out without formalities or legal documents? Situation This is because of the initial trust that customers/suppliers implicitly add to their operations…