After the lockdown: An industry check on Mexico’s economy

Since the beginning of this year, the coronavirus has been holding the world under its spell. The economic consequences of the pandemic have also hit Mexico, the second largest economy in Latin America. Economic lockdown: most affected industries As…

The role of women in the Mexican labor market

According to a study, the vast majority of Mexican women still work in the informal economy sector. Jobs are poorly paid and often with no social protection. In general, however, a rather positive trend towards gender equality has developed…

Querétaro – The most livable state in Mexico

Mitofsky is a leading Mexican company dedicated to produce representative surveys. Within the scope of the 'México opina' Section, 5,236 Mexicans were interviewed regarding their opinion on the 31 Mexican States from 09.-15.01.2020. Cultural…

The future on Mexico’s roads

Many renowned vehicle manufacturers, as well as smaller start-ups, are constantly working worldwide on the development of electric and autonomous vehicles. For instance, the German company Continental announced last year that it would increase…

The Importance of the Annual General Assembly

According to Article 178 in the Mexican General Law of Commercial Companies (Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles), the annual General Assembly is an important meeting for shareholders to discuss and agree about the company´s actions. As the…

Expansion of (digital) infrastructure in Mexico

Mexico is considered one of the world's emerging markets. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Mexico, as a major trading partner and intermediary for the North and South American countries, is in constant development aimed to fulfilling…

USMCA: The new free trade agreement between the USA, Canada and Mexico

After the three North American countries - the US, Canada and Mexico; signed the preliminary convention for a new trade agreement during the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit, last January, Canada started out ratification thereof. With the purpose…

Zero waste – a movement that changes the world

With the entry into force of the ban on plastics in Mexico City, more than half of the 31 Mexican states are now trying to reduce the use of plastics through legislation. Since 01.01.2020, the issuing and sale of plastic bags is prohibited…

NOM 036 – Ergonomic Risk Factors

The Official Mexican Standards are regulations that have been created with the purpose of improving yield production conditions throughout Mexico. There are several types of "NOMS" applicable to different industry sectors such as Healthcare,…

The carnival of Mazatlán

The cheerful season – how is carnival celebrated in Mexico? Carnival of Mazatlán celebrates its 122th anniversary. Five days before the Lent the locals say goodbye to abundance and everything they want to abstain. Day and night the traditional…