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Queretaro: a peaceful state

The results of the Mexico 2023 Positive Peace Index (IPPM) were recently released, in which Querétaro is among the best evaluated nationally in terms of the social peace index, standing out for its good performance in terms of its solid business environment and equitable distribution of resources.


According to Sunkel, “development means achieving increasing efficiency in the creative manipulation of its environment, technological, cultural and social, as well as its relations with other political and geographic units”; thus, the construction of a peaceful environment requires a lot of effort and work on the part of authorities, private initiative and citizens. Fostering a culture of social peace is one of the most important challenges facing the entire world. Maintaining peace indexes represents a great challenge, putting in place efficient models and a great capacity for community resilience that inspires to maintain effective models of peace.


From a business perspective, peace becomes a requirement for economic development, this type of evaluation projects us to continue promoting strategies to boost the country’s economy with global impact. It also provides a scenario to reflect on the importance of balance at all levels and in all contexts. How can we contribute to peace? By participating, doing our part, becoming builders of peace from our own trenches, it is our responsibility to maintain the indexes without taking our finger off the economic line.


The Institute for Economics and Peace is a global research center that seeks to improve the tone of the social environment. Its first reports were published for the first time in 2013.