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Reinventing to create

In the attempt to keep the earth in better conditions, humanity has focused on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, which seeks a sustainable and better future for all. We usually refer to climate change and the environment as particular sustainability issues, however, the topic is much broader and more complex, reaching legal and regulatory aspects that companies must abide by.


Sustainability has become a mission for all companies. This concept has revolutionized the ways of working in any sector. According to the KPMG study, entitled ‘My Life, My Wallet and Me’, which was conducted among more than 30,000 people in 11 different countries, 76 percent believe that protecting the environment is more important than growing the economy.


Implementing actions to reduce the carbon footprint, focusing on the development of an economic model compatible with the protection and preservation of natural resources, are key sustainability factors that companies must implement to live up to the needs of the planet we inhabit today.


Economy and development in harmony with the natural environment offer security and certainty to future generations. The prosperity base we seek to maintain forces us as a society to change our lifestyle. The balance between consumers, businesses, government and natural resources is the result of actions aligned to the point under discussion.

Sustainability is not a fad or a passing issue, it is a cultural, business and social revolution.