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The Automotive Sector

The automotive sector has been a driving force for economic and industrial growth in Mexico. In recent years, it has been propelled by the existence of free trade agreements such as the T-MEC, leading to a complete production ecosystem ranging from the manufacturing of components and parts to final vehicle assembly. According to information from the director of the automotive cluster in Querétaro, the sector grew by 8% in the first half of the year, with one of the major benefits being the creation of jobs in the following areas:

  • Production facilities
  • Research and development centers
  • Logistics companies associated with the sector

It is an industry driven by the effect of nearshoring, positioning it as part of the supply chain, as Mexico has various strengths that can be leveraged by this phenomenon. The shift towards electric and autonomous vehicles is redefining the automotive landscape, with technology applied in trucks, buses, and vehicles to reduce human error in traffic accidents.

The automotive parts industry in Mexico has positioned itself as a global competitive investment and has evolved into an innovation generator. Therefore, it is essential to continue adapting to the changing trends of the industry and positioning oneself in the age of mobility.