
BIVA: new Mexican stock exchange

BIVA: new Mexican stock exchange

On Wednesday 25.07.2018 at 8:30, after 5 years of preparation, a new Mexican stock exchange the Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) was launched.

After 43 years, there is a historic change in the Mexican stock exchange trading. Mexico now belongs to the economies with more than just one stock exchange. Until the 70s, three different stock exchanges existed in the country. In 1976, the stock exchanges based in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey merged to the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV). The so far country’s only stock exchange will now compete with the new Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA).

In February 2013, the Cencor (Central de Corretajes) presented their project to open a new exchange market in Mexico. In October 2015 they officially requested a license for the organization and opening of the BIVA, which was granted in August 2017.

The BIVA aims to increase worldwide visibility of the Mexican market and its companies in order to win new global investors. Using innovation, advanced technology and a better accessibility, BIVA wants to contribute to the growth of the stock market.

In the first auction after the opening, already more than 100 transactions were registered. The aim is to increase the number to a total of 200 companies (+30%) within the next three years. Moreover, BIVA plans to agument its trading volume by 50% to approximately 20 billion Mexican pesos.