Querétaro and its attractiveness to investors

At a recent meeting between US ambassador Kenneth Lee Salazar and the governor of Querétaro Mauricio Kuri González, the trade relationship between Querétaro and the US was strengthened and the ambassador stated: “There is great interest from U.S. companies. They want to come here to Querétaro because it is a good place to invest”. With over 559 companies from the United States currently having a presence in Querétaro and a Foreign Investment of 32% coming from the US, it is obvious that Querétaro has great opportunities for companies to settle there. But what exactly makes Querétaro so attractive?

Located strategically in the centre of Mexico, Querétaro is an ideal transportation point, with an exceptional highway system and 500 km of railway tracks. In just 9 hours, the NAFTA highway system provides transportation from Querétaro all the way to the US. Furthermore, it has connections to 4 different Pacific and Atlantic ports, making maritime transportation an important way of exporting produced goods.
But it is not just the transportation aspect that makes Querétaro attractive. Its young population with an average age of 29 years and the many education institutions like universities and training centres guarantee a dynamic and motivated work force that drives innovation and development.

Querétaro’s competitiveness is not only a perception, but shows in many numbers and awards, as it ranks 1st place in innovation in Mexico, and 2nd place in “Overall Latin American City of the Future”, following Mexico City. With over 45 Industrial Parks it offers great opportunities for companies from all around the world, its main sectors spread from the Automotive sector to Aerospace, Information Technologies, and even Biotechnology sectors.

Do you have further questions about current economic developments in Mexico? Do not hesitate to contact us!