

What is Outsourcing in general? Outsourcing combines the terms outside, resource and using and means the use of external resources or sources. The term defines a corporate strategy that outsources individual tasks, subareas or even entire business…
Personalmanagement in Mexiko

Particularities of Human Resource Management in Mexico

In recent years Mexico has become a popular location for international companies from different industries. The country offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs, not only because of low production costs. Due to its perfect geographic position,…
Anniversary WMP

10 years WMP Mexico Advisors

With an anniversary party WMP Mexico Advisors celebrated its 10 years successful performance. It took place in a festive venue in Querétaro with live music and both German and Mexican delicacies. 400 guests celebrated into the night, dancing…
Trade relationship Mexico-Germany

Germany has become the third most important trading partner of Mexico

The intensive trade relationship between Germany and Mexico has reached a new peak. After USA and China, Germany currently ranks on the third place of Mexico’s most important trading partners and overtook Canada and even the EU within the…
Use Mexico´s potential

Mexico´s Potential

Being the second-largest economy of Latin America, Mexico also represents one of the most popular business locations in North America and worldwide. Could Mexico be an attractive business location for your operation? We are going to explain…
Trends in the economic structure of Mexico

Trends in the economic structure of Mexico

Besides the fast growing industrial sector, the significance of service sectors such as tourism and trade increase significantly. A decrease of the proportion of mining and agriculture in the Mexican economic performance is noted. In the following…
Mexivo Start-Up Management: Real estate search
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Mexico Start-Up Management: Real Estate Search

After a successful location analysis, the choice for the new company location fell on Mexico. Now it is necessary to search for an adequate real estate. It is highly recommended to visit Mexico before deciding to invest. Not just in order to…
BIVA: new Mexican stock exchange

BIVA: new Mexican stock exchange

On Wednesday 25.07.2018 at 8:30, after 5 years of preparation, a new Mexican stock exchange the Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) was launched. After 43 years, there is a historic change in the Mexican stock exchange trading. Mexico now…
Why the Automotive Industry continues to invest in Mexico

Industry 4.0 – opportunities and challenges for Mexico

Robots, automation, Internet of things, and big data: the networked and more flexible production Industry 4.0 opens new opportunities for companies. In recent years, the Mexican industry has expanded rapidly, primarily powered by the automotive…
Why the Automotive Industry continues to invest in Mexico

Why the Automotive Industry continues to invest in Mexico

U.S. President Trump threatens automotive manufacturers to impose protectionist tariffs when transfering production sites from the United States to Mexico. However, that does not seem to prevent companies from investing in Mexico.  It…