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The Automotive Sector

The automotive sector has been a driving force for economic and industrial growth in Mexico. In recent years, it has been propelled by the existence of free trade agreements such as the T-MEC, leading to a complete production ecosystem ranging…
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Technology and Strategies

The integration of technology across various industries optimizes the entire supply chain from maintenance services to productivity forecasting and data warehousing. An increasing trend is the heightened use of public clouds, particularly in…
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Environmental impact assessment

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required for public or private construction projects or activities that could potentially cause ecological imbalances. This assessment is approved by the Secretariat for Sustainable Development (SEDESU). The…

Mexico: Entrepreneurial structure

One of Mexico's strengths is its cultural and geographical diversity, which gives rise to a wide range of business models. The adaptability and creativity of Mexican entrepreneurship is reflected in this, making Mexico a pioneer in this regard,…
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The Role of the Commissioner in Organizations

The figure of the Commissioner is provided for in the General Law of Commercial Companies (LGSM) in the section on the Joint-Stock Company. However, there are no obstacles to appointing a Commissioner in other companies to exercise the supervisory…
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Green projects

Sustainable green projects have emerged as a transformative force in various industries. The strengthening of renewable energies and the maximum use of natural resources, as well as caring for the environment, are trends that are favoring ecosystems…
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The new fiscal stimulus

If there's one thing that distinguishes Mexico, it's its geographical location, culture, values, history, and, above all, its eagerness to foster significant initiatives like the "DECREE granting tax incentives to key sectors of the export industry,…
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Economic Development through Education

Education transcends various boundaries, from the social sphere, through the evolution and transformation of technology, to economic development. This particular issue places the country at the center of significant challenges and future prospects.…
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Another area where technology is leading the way, challenging traditional models, is in the realm of transfers and digital assets in the financial industry. An increasing number of Fintech companies (companies that leverage the latest technology…
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Supply Chain

The industry is moving at a rapid pace, which compels companies to position themselves at the forefront of their services and products to become part of the extensive supply chain. Nearshoring represents an opportunity for this. Strengthening…